The environment that the pre-cogs live in is very secluded. There are two males and one female: Arthur, Dasheill, and Agatha. The pre- cogs live inside of the the D.C. Pre-crime Police force building. Their bodies are placed on bed like plates that sit in the middle of this pool of water. Their heads are attached to many chords that pull visuals of their images and display them on a overhead. They are fed through a tube and the bodily functions are all under control of tubes. They live in this place 24 hours a day. They are overseen by the police that work in the building, only being separated by a clear glass.
From a medical perspective it is very unethical to treat the pre-cogs this way. They are not in charge of their only bodily functions which is unfair. If someone were to put themselves into the pre-cogs shoes they would find the life to be very unfair. This is not mentally healthy for these pre-cogs to live in this one state for 24 hours a day. They need human and outside world interactions to function normally. Without this they are considered dead. They aren;'t living but merely existing.

I personally don't believe that humans would ever really be able to function as Agatha, Daschell and Arthur do in the movie. These three humans have lived in the state their entire life, this is something that they have adapted to as 0time has continued. Humans have become very adapted to living a free will life. not having many responsibilities other than taking care of themselves. Now the entire country would depend on them to save the lives of others. I don't think human beings would be able to live a life such as this one. There is too much responsibility for many humans to handle.
Blog Post #2
Pre-Crime is a sign of a totally protective government
1.In my opinion this means that pre-crime was established to instill a non-violent society for people to live in. One should feel safe walking on the streets and throughout their community without being violently attack. The government has decided to play the role as caretaker and relieve people of this stressor.
2. Yes, I think a totally protective government should be apart of our society. I feel that we are controlled by all of the rules ad regulations that the government implements on a daily basis. In return they should be in charge of keeping us safe and out of harms way so we can live a happy life.
3. Had this principle been used, perhaps Travon Martin would not have been shot and killed. His killer would not have been released from jail because the government would have protected him and his rights. Travon would not have been shot because of the way that he looked.
Blog Post #3
future is best left where it is.
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