Ryan TerMolen Minority Report Post (1-3)
Post #1
In Minority Report the pre-cogs are used as tools. They are just kept alive in a tank where they can prevent the crime of the future. The pre-cogs are the sons and daughters of Neroin addicts and they are born with a talent to see crime of the future. The pre-cogs are not awake nor are they asleep, they are kept in kind of a half life mode. they are just given their daily nutrients and supplements. These pre-cogs are real humans but have had their life taken away from them for the pursuit of a crime free world. From a medical standpoint I believe it is unethical because these pre-cogs could be living a completely normal life and they should be living heir life but the pre-crime unit have taken away the lives and have made them tools where they can't control their own actions unless unhooked off of their machines. The pre-cogs should have never been used as tools and it is completely unethical what the government has done to them. That beinig said even if they live without the machinery they still have the visions and suffer pain from these visions, but they still should live a completely normal life with painkillers. It is estimated that humans only use about 10% of our brain potential and that said we are still amazing. If somehow we found out how to increase that potential it could be possible to see the future and predict crime. Based completely on science I do believe it is possible that this could eventually turn into a reality.
Blog Post #2

Define Term: Totally protective government: the government in the movie was totally protective because they could see the crimes and that would keep people safe meaning that no one would die anymore once pre-crime is invented. I do not think that this should be part of the government because people do deserve their privacy and with that the government shouldn't be coming into our personal lives so close. However crime would drop and it would be safer and more protective it is wrong to be able to see what is in people's minds. Had this been in place thing like terrorism coming from inside the United States would be able to be stopped because we could have seen that this was going to happen and stopped it, if this was in place 9/11 may have been able to be stopped. The government cold have saved the world from hundreds of terrorism attacks and other various attacks on our nation in the future
Blog Post #3

My favorite scene in the movie was when at the very beginning we showed pre-crime stopping a murder that was going to happen and I loved seeing that because the idea of pre-crime is so intriguing and o that point seeing that part of the movie where they showed the procedure of him identifying who is who and where the murder is taking place and breaking down the video of the murder and doing everything that was possible to stop this murder then actually going to the scene of the crime and stopping it live was even cooler. Pre crime is cool but I doubt that it would ever happen it is very unethical and it is also very hard to achieve foresight and then to tap into their mind and project it into video. It could be in the future if we actually can achieve people who can see the future murders and then be able for them to project it to us who can alter the video clips to find location and also to find when it's going to happen. It is a tough task but if we can somehow create clairvoyant people who only see murders it is very possible. however I do not believe it is going to happen simply for ethical reasons of taking these pre-cogs life away.
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