The pre-cogs in the film are used to stop crime that is going to happen. It's an amazing thing because it has reduced crime about 90%. This has caused people to have a great community. The pre-cogs are upsettingly in water for 24 hours a day. They are not to be outside of that environment. Their teeth are brushed for them, feed, and cleaned in the pool of water. In my opinion it's unethical to treat the pre-cogs this way. The fact that they have no say in their life is ridiculous. They should be able to decide what they think is best for them. They are still human beings and deserve to be treated like any other human. It sickens me to think that people would ever be okay with having human beings in a pool of water for the rest of their life. In this time period that we are in today, I don't believe humans can be that powerful as to how Agatha, Daschell, and Arthur were in the movie. There are people who claim to see into the future but only they know if its true or not. Usually those who say they have that power can't help it from happening.
Infallible police state: Pre-Crime could not make a mistake when arresting someone because it
would look bad upon them.
I think we should have this today. Many innocent people who have been accused of murder wouldn't have to go through jail time for a crime they didn't commit.
An example of this is Ryan Ferguson, he has been in jail for a decade and is soon to have be found innocent.
Protective Government:The government in Minority Report wants to keep this system of pre-crime. They believe it's necessary for the community in oder for it to be safe.
I think this term should be part of our society. Our government should care for the community. Crime rate would decrease if the government were to have to budget enough to have more officers on patrol.
Endorsement of technology by the media: Anything that you bought previously would depend on what endorsements would show according to your interest. I don't think this should be part of our future because I believe it's invading our privacy.

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