Nick Erhart |
Minority Report takes place in 2054 where Pre-Crime, a police department that can arrest murders before they actually happen. This information is provided by the Pre-Cogs. Pre-Crime Captain John Anderton sees an audit showing himself killing a man named Leo Crow in 36 hours. John safely escapes but has to find who set him up before being arrested.
Science used in Minority Report |
1. Science is a fast growing topic in our society. In the movie Minority Report it predicts how science will effect our lives in 2054. We learn new things everyday in science that will help us create labs and tests to help better our understanding of things. The more research we do the closer we are to be able to create important things, like cures or vaccines. While science is advancing this could impact our society in a more negative way. Our privacy could be at it's minimum. Shown in Minority Report, science and technology has made people have very little privacy.
Technology shown in Minority Report |
2. The technology in Minority Report seems pretty reasonable. Not everything may be seen as recent as 2054, but everything in the movie could be seen in the future at sometime. Sick Sticks, Guns, and the headband that makes people go into a coma are all possible weapons that could be used by police forces. With technology advancing this fast we are able to imagine how different our world would be like in 2054. In Minority Report there is a scene that shows how the roads have changed. The way how the cars can drive up walls is a possible outcome but to be able to construct an entire new roadway system that has advanced technology to make the cars stay on the rode is not something we would be able to see in 2054. It would take much longer to let alone invent it and build it. Besides that, the predictions that Minority Report made of what technology would look like in 2054 seems very believable.
3. If i was in the Supreme Court it would be a hard decision for me to choose if i want to support Pre-Crime. The system involved sacrificing 3 humans to save countless lives but there are many variables too, because the 3 Pre-Cogs are technically being kept hostage I would choose not to support this. If the system changed itself to be more reasonable then I could change my mind. For example the Pre-Cogs wouldn't be kept hostage but actually would come in as a worker like everyone else in Pre-Crime. If Pre-Crime had higher security and a better understanding of the Pre-Cogs then I would also be convinced. In the movie they almost never made it on time before a murder. The things they see by the Pre-Cogs are very blurry and they have to de-code where the murder is, when it is, and who it is. It almost seems very insufficient. The problem with privacy is a factor too. It shouldn't be a problem if they only see things about murders but realistically society would see it as some type of spying device and protest against it.
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